Second call for Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM)
The International Research Network (IRN) on Nanoalloys launches a call for researchers to visit a foreign group inside the IRN community.
For details of the IRN members, see the web site:, and also the extended list of laboratories involved in the network*.
The aim of these Short-Term Scientific Missions, on the model of the STSM organized by the COST, is to foster collaboration and to strengthen the existing network by allowing scientists, especially young scientists but not exclusively, to go for a short-term mission in a foreign laboratory.
Conditions to apply: the applicant should be engaged in a research programme as a post-grad student, postdoctoral fellow or be employed in a laboratory involved in the IRN.
Duration of the STSM: minimum 5 working days and maximum of one month.
Funding: per working day and with a package for the travel.
The applicant should answer to this call by an email with a CV, a project with the host laboratory (1 page max) and the duration of the mission. The deadline to answer this call is the 28th of March 2020.
Contacts :,