An International Research Network (IRN) / Groupement de Recherches International (GDRI) on Nanoalloys
What is an IRN?
An IRN is a scientific coordination network gathering French and foreign research teams from European countries, around a specific scientific topic. The network is the result of an agreement detailing the scientific content, the composition of the scientific committee and the provisional budget, signed by the authorized representative(s) of the French (CNRS and affiliated universities of research joint units) and the foreign (research organizations or universities) partner institutions.
About the IRN/GDRI Nanoalloys
Research in nanometer-size multicomponent metallic nano-objects, “Nanoalloys” is highly interdisciplinary. In fact, the scientific community working in this field comprises chemists, physicists and materials scientists. International collaborations at the European level are very often necessary for developing innovative research approaches, which very often require the close collaboration between experimental and theory/simulation groups. For such a rapidly growing and interdisciplinary field, networking initiatives are therefore of vital importance.
The aim of the Nanoalloys International Research Network is to share complementary tools and expertise developed by French and foreign colleagues in the field of nano-sized alloy particles with bi- or multi- metallic components. This network is dedicated to promote new hot topics, such as kinetic effects which control the equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium structure, environment effects on the nanoalloy structures and its impact on cluster’s chemophysical properties.